Our launch event
Whether you are a cargo bike pro or have never tried one, come and join us at our launch event at Bruntsfield Links (just opposite the top of Leamington Terrace), 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm, Saturday October 26th. Hop on a cargo bike, enjoy a cake and hot drink, bring the kids and let them enjoy the Halloween-themed activities.
Since it’s the last Saturday of the month, Critical Mass will be organising a ride from Middle Meadow Walk and we hope that they will join us in the course of the afternoon — this could be a great opportunity to find out more about their initiative.
Here’s a map of where we will be:
Using the library
We still have a few loose ends to tie up before we make cargo bikes available for loan — we are aiming to go live on Monday 4th November. In the meantime, you can check out the Bike Library page where you will be able to register to be a member of the bike library and make a reservation.
We are grateful to Cargo Bike Movement for their sustained help and encouragement and to the Edinburgh Communities Climate Action Network (ECCAN) GreenLight Fund and CEC Community Grants Fund for financial support.